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Database-to-WWW Example
Glossary of Telecommunications Terms

This is your entry into a reasonably comprehensive glossary of telecommunications terms . To find a term, first click on the first letter of the term in the new window that appears when you click on the link above. A list of terms for which there are definitions will then pop up in this frame. Click on the term you want and its definition will be printed, again in this frame.

There are a number of ways that html documents can serve as the 'front-end' to database systems. In most corporate environments, especially those equipped with a firewall, a copy of relevant corporate data will be transferred from the corporate database server to the web server. The use of such a procedure is a security issue, although an intranet html server might be allowed to connect directly to the database server.

Under the usual corporate conditions the subset of the database made available to the public through the World Wide Web will be passed as a flat file from the corporate database. The fields passed will be either fixed length or comma delimited (or delimited with some other character). Once the data have been passed it will be further processed on the web server to conform to the database query requirements on that system.

There are several methods that can be used once the data are copied to the web server. All methods require translation of the flat file into whatever format is required for retrieval by the public. The translation procedure is normally accomplished by running a timed batch process. The result will either place the new data into a formal database (Access, xbase, whatever), which can be accessed through a cgi script, or will directly translate each record into displayable html documents.

From the perspective of someone accessing the database through the web, if the data are private, the incoming request will probably require a userid and password. Both directories in your document root and specific pages can be password protected. Pages are normally protected through a cgi script, a Java script or a Java program, or with tools provided by the web server's administrative system and/or operating environment. The userid can be something like a customer number.

The current demonstration database is much simpler. In this demonstration the database consists of a glossary of over 600 telecommunications terms. It is publicly available so no userid or password is required. The original is maintained in an xbase database. One very easy way to create an html interface to the original xbase file is to take each record of the original and transform it into an easily read html document that is then accessible from a simple menu. There are tools available to automate this process and those tools can be run periodically by a job scheduler. Thus, even with a constantly changing database, the html interface can be kept as up-to-date as desired.

At the bottom of the alphabetical list in the frame to your left you will find a menu item entitled, 'Related Glossaries.' By clicking on 'Related Glossaries' you will be presented with a menu of other glossaries on the Internet that may contain terms that this glossary does not. The related glossary will be displayed in this frame.

As a service of Enterprise-Wide Computing, Inc., this glossary may be downloaded. See the menu items toward the end of the menu in the frame to the left. For more information, please read the readme.txt file, available from the menu.

Now, take a look at the demo database. Please click here to view and use the glossary.

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Design by Enterprise-Wide Computing, Inc. Email: info@ewc-inc.com