EWC Profile

Web-Enhanced Learning Opportunities

Although EWC is primarily a service organization, we do, from time-to-time, develop products that may be of more general interest. We have recently developed a system designed to assist in the development and delivery of training and teaching materials. We call it the Web-Enhanced Learning Opportunities System .

The system is designed to support traditional classroom courses and to provide a shell through which distance learning courses can be presented. Such systems have application in education and industry. You can check out the features of our system as well as a little of its "look and feel" by clicking here . You can find out more about this system by sending a note of inquiry to Enterprise-Wide Computing, Inc.

In addition to providing a turnkey distance learning development system we can also deliver selected training, via the Internet, to your employees. We currently offer an introductory course that covers the fundamentals of computer networking. The demo system noted previously illustrates some of the features of the course (it is the equivalent of a three semester hour college-level course). If you have need for such training please contact us for further information and pricing. Just click the "Contact" button on the left.

EWC Profile

Copyright © 1999 by Enterprise-Wide Computing, Inc.
Design by Enterprise-Wide Computing, Inc. Email: info@ewc-inc.com