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Unix2Dos/Dos2Unix File Conversion

This pair of programs converts Unix files to DOS/Windows and DOS/Windows files to Unix. The programs are Win32 console programs and will only work under a Win32 system (98, NT, 2000, etc.) from a console window. Download a ZIP archive file by clicking here.

File conversion between operating systems is primarily a matter of converting line endings. DOS/Windows uses a CR/LF (Carriage Return/Line Feed) pair of characters to demarcate the end of a line or record. Unix uses only an LF (Line Feed) character. Only text files should be converted. Binary files (for our purposes, all other files) should not be converted. Examples of such "binary" files are database files (such as xBase tables), word processing files (from Word or WordPerfect, for example), and spreadsheet files (i.e., Excel or Quattro Pro files).

While there are a number of such programs floating around the Internet, they never seem to work as expected. Consequently, another effort at producing workable products.

The "two" programs are named "unix2dos.exe" and "dos2unix.exe". There is, in fact, only one program which may be converted to the other by the simple task of copying one program to the other program name.

UNIX2DOS/DOS2UNIX is very easy to use. First, to view the command line syntax of the program(s) simply type the program name at the console window prompt. Depending on which valid name you typed, you will receive a message like the following:

    DOS2UNIX - DOS/UNIX File Conversion
    by Thomas Wm. Madron (2002)
    For information email info@ewc-inc.com

    Syntax: DOS2UNIX inpfilespec [outfilespec]
      (If outfilespec is not specified, then outfile=inpfile)

An output file specification is optional. If present, then the input filespec will be converted to the output filespec. If an output filespec is NOT present, then the original input filespec will be overwritten with the converted file.

This progam can be useful in dealing with a variety of text files (such as readme files and program source files).

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